eBay Final Value Fee per category:
We have very cool update for you!
starting today you will be able to change your final value fee for each category according to what you pay!
Why is this important?
As a reminder, starting October 1, 2018, if you have very high rates of "item not as described" returns you may be subject to additional 4% final value fee in affected categories based on the Service Metrics policy - https://www.ebay.com/…/…/fees-credits-invoices/selling-fees…
Since this update came out many sellers have been wrongly calculating their final value fee, re-pricing certain items to high or too low, this option will help you control your break even and represent an accurate pricing of items that will lead you to be more competitive, sell more and not lose any unnecessary money
To change or edit your final value fee please go to your global settings and click on edit FVF under the eBay value fee.
Choose the category you want to update and click "Apply".
Don't forget to hit the Save button on the bottom of the page.
Token expired alert:
Starting today you will get notified a day before your token will be expired, and once expired, to make sure no connection between your stores and your SaleFreaks account is lost.
Once the token is expired you will not be able to manage your items or orders.
Many great features are yet to come!
Wishing you lots of sales 🤩