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Release Notes 22/01

Minimal order price on Amazon account protection

Rebecca avatar
Written by Rebecca
Updated over 5 years ago

Hi SaleFreaks users,

We want to inform you that starting today, you'll be able selecting the value of minimal price for an order per Amazon account.

Why would you need this option, this will allow on specific Amazon accounts to ignore orders that are below a certain price.

For instance, for veteran Amazon accounts, we can allow handling only expensive orders, while the small order price will go through new Amazon accounts. You can have veteran accounts that manage $10 and above and new account to process only up to $10 orders or below

To turn this option as default, please do the following, go to Settings -> Global Settings and scroll down to the "Auto Order settings".

Check "change the default to" and choose your minimum order price.

Note - the configuration will run on newly added accounts ONLY!

To update your current accounts go to My Accounts -> Filter -> Status -> choose prime -> click View.
Click "Check all", to make sure you checked you can see exactly how many accounts checked on the bulk action section.
then you can bulk edit several or all of the accounts together by marking the accounts you want to edit and click the advanced button.

That's it, you're Done!

If you wish to configure a specific account you can do it manually one by one by clicking edit for a specific account on the My Accounts page and set your minimal order price 

Don't forget to hit the "Update" button once you've done. 

Enjoy 🤗
The SaleFreaks Team

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